Mittwoch, den 29. Mai 2024, Konferenzraum (R107), 17 Uhr c t.
Prof. Dr. David Rügamer, LMU Munich, Munich Center for Machine Learning, spricht über das Thema: "Neural Regression Models".
Abstract: In this talk, I will present my group’s research on neural regression models, i.e., regression models embedded in neural networks, and discuss their applications, advantages, and challenges. Recent research integrates statistical regression into neural networks to define models that jointly learn interpretable structured effects of tabular data and additional unstructured effects modeled through a (deep) neural network. To better understand such use cases from a statistical perspective, it is important to address open challenges that exist even for the simpler model class of structured regression models trained in a neural network. This includes aspects such as sparsity, smoothing, and statistical inference, which I will discuss in more detail.
Bereits ab 16.45 Uhr gibt es für alle Interessierten die Möglichkeit zu einem Gespräch bei Kaffee und Tee im Sitzungszimmer (R206).
Olaf Ippisch
Veranstalter: Institut für Mathematik, Erzstraße 1, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld