Mathematisches Kolloquium - Vortrag von Dr. Tobias Kretz, Chief Product Manager at PTV Group

Einladung zum Mathematischen Kolloquium

Mittwoch, 20 November  2019, Seminarraum A (R209), 17 Uhr c. t.

Dr. Tobias Kretz,
Chief Product Manager at PTV Group

spricht über das Thema

„ An overview of pedestrian modelling and simulation in theory and application “

Abstract:  Planning pedestrian flows in detail has become a standard engineering task worldwide. Agent-based (or “micro”) simulations are used for planning of station and airport layouts, festival operations or traffic light programs and urban pedestrian spaces. The Social Force Model of pedestrian dynamics is one of the most widely used theories implemented in simulation software. The presentation will introduce the model and its discuss its properties analytically. Finally, some examples of planning projects will be shown.

Bereits ab 16:45 Uhr gibt es für alle Interessierten die Möglichkeit zu einem Gespräch bei Kaffee und Tee im Sitzungszimmer (R206).

Olaf Ippisch

Veranstalter: Institut für Mathematik

Erzstraße 1, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld